We make weather data easy to understand so you can make the best decisions.



Inside the AccuWeather Forecast Engine.

Inside the AccuWeather Forecast Engine.

STEP 01 —

Largest and best collection of real-time data.

Largest and best collection of real-time data.

STEP 02 —

Expert data analysis.

Expert data analysis.

STEP 03 —

Forecasts with proven Superior Accuracy.

Forecasts with proven Superior Accuracy.

STEP 04 —

Partner, prepare and protect with greater confidence.

Partner, prepare and protect with greater confidence.


01 — Largest and best collection of real-time data.

We collect the most complete database of forecast models from around the world.

We source weather data from governments and partners; observations from land, ships, and aircraft; crowdsourced reports; satellites; and radar sets from 40 countries.


Forecast Models

01 — Largest and best collection of real-time data.

We collect the most complete database of forecast models from around the world.

We source weather data from governments and partners; observations from land, ships, and aircraft; crowdsourced reports; satellites; and radar sets from 40 countries.


Forecast Models


02 — Expert data analysis.

We’ve pioneered the process of digitally processing weather data for 30+ years.

The data we collect is put through a rigorous QA process and analyzed in our Digital Forecast System, the world’s first and most advanced. This system uses proprietary data sets to continuously modify our forecasts, ensuring they always include the latest data.


Terabytes of data

02 — Expert data analysis.

We’ve pioneered the process of digitally processing weather data for 30+ years.

The data we collect is put through a rigorous QA process and analyzed in our Digital Forecast System, the world’s first and most advanced. This system uses proprietary data sets to continuously modify our forecasts, ensuring they always include the latest data.


Terabytes of data


03 — Forecasts with proven Superior Accuracy.

We forecast for 2.3 million locations with 100+ parameters.

Our state-of-the-art microscale model downscales high-performing global and regional model data to provide accurate forecasts localized to every 1 km globally. Forecasts are generated for every minute over the next two hours and for every hour over the next 90 days. All of this is complemented by our team of 100+ expert meteorologists who review forecasts for accuracy and clarity.


Languages and Dialects

03 — Forecasts with proven Superior Accuracy.

We forecast for 2.3 million locations with 100+ parameters.

Our state-of-the-art microscale model downscales high-performing global and regional model data to provide accurate forecasts localized to every 1 km globally. Forecasts are generated for every minute over the next two hours and for every hour over the next 90 days. All of this is complemented by our team of 100+ expert meteorologists who review forecasts for accuracy and clarity.




04 — Partner, prepare and protect with greater confidence.

We deliver actionable, hyper-localized forecasts — tailored to specific weather thresholds — to help businesses make the best weather-impacted decisions.

Delivered on our multi-device platform, our warnings and forecasts mitigate risks and maximize opportunities related to weather impacts. We continuously update these products to ensure responses are based on the most recent, accurate, and site-specific weather data.



04 — We protect people and profits

We deliver actionable, hyper-localized forecasts — tailored to specific weather thresholds — to businesses.

Delivered on our multi-device platform, our warnings and forecasts mitigate risks and maximize opportunities related to weather impacts. We continuously update these products to ensure responses are based on the most recent, accurate, and site-specific weather data.




04 — Partner, prepare and protect with greater confidence.

We deliver actionable, hyper-localized forecasts — tailored to specific weather thresholds — to help businesses make the best weather-impacted decisions.

Delivered on our multi-device platform, our warnings and forecasts mitigate risks and maximize opportunities related to weather impacts. We continuously update these products to ensure responses are based on the most recent, accurate, and site-specific weather data.



04 — We protect people and profits

We deliver actionable, hyper-localized forecasts — tailored to specific weather thresholds — to businesses.

Delivered on our multi-device platform, our warnings and forecasts mitigate risks and maximize opportunities related to weather impacts. We continuously update these products to ensure responses are based on the most recent, accurate, and site-specific weather data.



AccuWeather and Climate Change

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance.

AccuWeather and Climate Change

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance.

AccuWeather and Climate Change

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance.


Key Highlights

Climate change has a severe impact on the global economy
Evidence for humankind's acceleration of climate change has increased
Science drives AccWeather's actions on climate change

Key Highlights

Climate change has a severe impact on the global economy
Evidence for humankind's acceleration of climate change has increased
Science drives AccuWeather's actions on climate change

Climate change impacts all of us.

Weather and climate events have an annual impact of trillions of dollars on the global economy and remain top concerns of leaders worldwide according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report. As reported by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. has sustained 273 weather & climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion.

The evidence is clear.

With observational evidence mounting, there can be little doubt that humans have influenced and continue to influence the world’s climate. Climate change is not new, and our climate has undergone many transformations over millions of years. There is increasing evidence it has been accelerated, if not exacerbated, by humankind over the last several decades by the burning of fossil fuels.

Science drives us forward.

As an organization steeped in science, we use our various media and digital platforms, along with our weather and climate expertise, to promote better, safer, and more healthful conditions for all people.

Protecting people and the planet.

We achieve these goals by providing the most accurate weather and climate forecasts; comprehensive analysis, reporting, and awareness of climate change, and the continued development of superior products to help people and businesses make better decisions as our climate changes.
Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance. Weather and climate events have an annual impact of trillions of dollars on the global economy and remain top concerns of leaders worldwide impacting people, communities, and businesses, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report.  From historic floods to devastating wildfires to extended hurricane seasons, warming planet is disrupting lives and communities at a relentless pace. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that the U.S. has sustained 308 weather and climate disasters since 1980, causing damages/costs that have reached or exceeded $1 billion.   

The evidence is clear, with observational evidence mounting, there can be little doubt that humans are contributing to global warming and continue to influence the world’s climate.  Climate change is not new, and our climate has undergone many transformations over millions of years.  Yet, there is overwhelming evidence it has been accelerated, by humankind especially over the last several decades by the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and the role of methane gas.    

As an organization steeped in science, we use our climate models, various media and digital platforms, along with our weather and climate expertise, to promote better, safer and more healthful conditions for all people. We achieve these goals by providing the most accurate weather and climate forecasts; comprehensive analysis, reporting and awareness of climate change, and the continued development of superior products to help people and businesses make better decisions and take responsible actions to prepare for climate change threats.   

Our approach to climate change coverage on our various AccuWeather editorial platforms is to impart the information people want and need in the clearest way possible. We strive to inspire others to do more for our environment and to benefit future generations. We strive to provide windows into actionable solutions, and we share and celebrate stories of climate change mitigation.

Climate change impacts all of us.

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance. Weather and climate events have an annual impact of trillions of dollars on the global economy and remain top concerns of leaders worldwide according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report. As reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. has sustained 273 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion.

The evidence is clear.

With observational evidence mounting, there can be little doubt that humans have influenced and continue to influence the world’s climate. Climate change is not new, and our climate has undergone many transformations over millions of years. There is increasing evidence it has been accelerated, if not exacerbated, by humankind over the last several decades by the burning of fossil fuels.

Science drives us forward.

As an organization steeped in science, we use our various media and digital platforms, along with our weather and climate expertise, to promote better, safer, and more healthful conditions for all people.

Protecting people and the planet.

We achieve these goals by providing the most accurate weather and climate forecasts; comprehensive analysis, reporting, and awareness of climate change, and the continued development of superior products to help people and businesses make better decisions as our climate changes.

Climate change impacts all of us.

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance. Weather and climate events have an annual impact of trillions of dollars on the global economy and remain top concerns of leaders worldwide according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report. As reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. has sustained 273 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion.

The evidence is clear.

With observational evidence mounting, there can be little doubt that humans have influenced and continue to influence the world’s climate. Climate change is not new, and our climate has undergone many transformations over millions of years. There is increasing evidence it has been accelerated, if not exacerbated, by humankind over the last several decades by the burning of fossil fuels.

Science drives us forward.

As an organization steeped in science, we use our various media and digital platforms, along with our weather and climate expertise, to promote better, safer, and more healthful conditions for all people.

Protecting people and the planet.

We achieve these goals by providing the most accurate weather and climate forecasts; comprehensive analysis, reporting, and awareness of climate change, and the continued development of superior products to help people and businesses make better decisions as our climate changes.

AccuWeather and Climate Change

Climate change is a matter of intense interest and global importance

As an organization steeped in science, we use our various media and digital platforms, along with our weather and climate expertise, to promote better, after and more healthful conditions for all people.
Read our Full Statement


Our approach to climate change on our various AccuWeather editorial platforms is to impart the information people want and need in the clearest way possible.
Read our Full Statement


weather disasters since 1980 that have exceeded $1B.


Damages Caused by Weather Disasters Since 1980






Production Hours saved



Our Approach

Our approach to climate change on our various AccuWeather editorial platforms is to impart the information people want and need in the clearest way possible.
Read our Full Statement


weather disasters since 1980 that have exceeded $1B


Damages Caused by Weather Disasters Since 1980






Productions hours saved



About Us

Our forecasts go beyond technology to create safer lives and more profitable businesses.

About Us

AccuWeather provides the world's most sophisticated weather intelligence to make lives simpler, safer, and better.

About Us

AccuWeather provides the world's most sophisticated weather intelligence to make lives simpler, safer, and better.

The latest from AccuWeather

Press Release

Latest Study of 120 Million Forecasts Proves AccuWeather Forecasts Are Most Accurate

Study after study show AccuWeather forecasts are the most accurate, reliable for the protection of life and property among top weather providers. AccuWeather Global Weather Center, January 14, 2020 - In the latest and most comprehensive statistical analysis of forecast accuracy ever undertaken, independent forecast tracker ForecastWatch reconfirmed the Superior Accuracy of AccuWeather forecasts by...

Tue, 14 Jan 2020 22:28:23 GMT

Press Release

Highest risk of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms expected east of Tornado Alley this year

> AccuWeather is forecasting 1,300-1,450 tornadoes across the United States in 2025 > The Mississippi and Tennessee valleys face the highest risk of damaging thunderstorms and tornadoes this year, a shift away from the concentration in Tornado Alley in 2023 and 2024 > Our warming climate is contributing to an increasing risk of more tornadoes occurring outside of the traditional...

Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:27:20 GMT

Press Release

AccuWeather® Names Diana Hummel SVP of Advertising Sales and Media Partnerships

AccuWeather Names Diana Hummel SVP of Advertising Sales and Media Partnerships

Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:11:29 GMT